
Sunday 15 June 2014

Summary and goodbye

Well folks, it's been a ride. I'm just about to hand over this blog (and the email address, and everything else) to our new WMGO, Imogen, who I'm sure you'll be seeing around a lot. I've been elected (together with Josephine) to be your new LGBT+ Officer next year, so you're not shot of me yet!

I thought I'd leave a brief summary of what I'd been up since I last wrote:

  • Organised and attended the women-only self-defense seminar, which was enjoyed very much by all who attended. Hopefully we'll see a re-run of that next year.
  • Agreed on some women-only gym introduction session in the third term, as a stop gap until w-only gym classes come in next year. I also wrote some questions for a gym survey which was planned for third term but will go forward next term instead.
  • Made sure the leaflets on non-binary gender and sexual harassment are available at the SU, although the latter needs updating again already because...
  • ...I instigated and attended a meeting between SU and Security to improve the day-to-day application guidelines of our Zero Tolerance policy, which they since took further and for which they have developed a detailed procedure (though there'll be some tweaking still on the SU side).
  • Continued collaborating with FemSoc to put on a variety of events, which mostly went down very well.
  • Got nominated for a Laurel, which made me happy, and did not win, which made me happy, because as a PGR student I wasn't able to move as much forward in my officer role as I would have liked and it wouldn't have felt fair to receive the award. However, both Matt (Disabled Students' Officer) and Violet (BME Officer) got their Laurels which was fantastic and made me even more happy (the food at the ceremony didn't, though).
  • Went to LGBT conference because I couldn't make it to Womens' conference and brought back bucket-loads of ideas for next year.
  • Got elected LGBT Officer together with the awesome Josephine Chick and have already started cunning plots together with a liberation officers to make next year flipping fantastic.
So. That's it. That's me. In this role, anyway. Take it away, Imogen!

All the best,
